
The Basic Kirtan Cycle

Here is a collection of melodies (more will be added) and their sample progression through the kirtan cycle. 

Melody 1:

The classic Hare Krishna melody has three parts in sequence: Middle, Low, High.

The Classic Melody on the harmonium.

Melody 2: 

This melody has two parts in sequence: Low, High.

On the harmonium, this melody begins on the following note: 

There are only white keys played for this melody. 

Melody 3:

The follow melody has 3 parts in sequence: Middle, Low, High. 

On the harmonium, this melody begins on the following note:

There are only white keys played for this melody.

Melody 4

This is the "Morning Melody," which is sung traditionally in the early hours of the day.

This melody has 3 parts in sequence: Low, Medium, High.

On the harmonium, this melody begins on the following note:

Melody 5

Kirtan that includes "Radhe Govinda" towards the end. 

This melody has 2 parts in sequence: Low, High. 

On the harmonium, this melody begins on the following note:

Melody 6

This is a classic ISKCON melody - one that when the first notes are sung out by the leader, everyone knows everyone is going to dance.

This melody has 3 parts in sequence: Middle, Low, High.

On the harmonium, this melody begins on the following note:

There is one black key to play in this melody, it's the one right next to the starting key to the left. See if you can figure it out.

Melody 7

This is one of Radhanath Swami's favorite melodies.

This melody has 3 parts in sequence: Middle, Low, High.

On the harmonium, this melody begins on the following note:

Melody 8

This video is actually recorded by my friend (and hero) Vishvambhar. He sings each part of the melody several times and goes through the kirtan cycle nicely on the piano. See if you can find the transitions. 

1 comment:

  1. Hare Krishna! Thank you so much, this webpage is a Godsend!
